Friday, September 10, 2010

At 5:30 in the morning…

I’m NOT a morning person. But here’s what I’ve discovered on the mornings when I’ve had to get up early for my exams.

The air is cold, crisp, and refreshing.

The sky is still pink as the sun is just rising.

All the dust and pollution hasn’t quite settled in yet.

The people who are out that early are all busy doing something or getting somewhere, so they’re friendly but not overly talkative.

The tiredness from the early morning wake up doesn’t really sink in until much, much later in the day, and by then the day’s work is winding down anyways.

It’s nice to be fully awake and starting work instead of stumbling through the first couple of hours wondering when that cup of coffee will finally kick in.

I probably still won’t be a morning person, but when circumstances force me to be up and about early it’s actually kind of nice.

1 comment:

Phil said...

Haha, when I do get up I love it too...but it's not very often :P