I've had all sorts of stuff going on in the past two weeks that's kept me from posting. The internet conection has taken to turning it self off and on at random intervals. I presume it's because of monsoon and the cloudy weather. And with five computers on line when it is on it's almost impossible to load any pages.
But the house is quiet now, everyone is out, and I'm getting to use a relatively fast connection for once.
There are pleny of updates in store that I'll work on putting up over the next few days, but the most important is a prayer request.
Sharmila is one of the girls at our childrens' home. She's about 13 years old, and right now she's in the hosptial with severe sepsis. This is a very serious, life threatening infection, so she really needs all the prayers she can get.
She's on antibiotics and an IV drip, and the doctors are running tests to find out where the infection is coming from so they can find the best course of treatment for her. We're all taking shifts with her in the hospital, Lily, Indira (the girls' house mother), Kirti (a friend who helps look after the girls), and myself, as she'll have to be there for at least a week.
Please pray that the doctors find out what is causing this, get her on the most effective course of treatment possible, and she will make a quick and complete recovery.
Thank you.
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